Rules & Regulations

Fee Rules and Regulations:

  1. Monthly fee decided by the management will be charged but it may rise by 10-15 % once a year.
  2. Tuition fee is to be paid by the 7th of every month otherwise fine of Rs. 5 per day will be charged
  3. The student will be expelled from the enrollment chart if the payment of fee is not made till the afternoon of 15th of that month.
  4. Readmission fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged along with the arrear amount of tuition fee & fine.
  5. Fee will not be accepted without clearance of pending charges i-e Annual Charges and fine.
  6. The institution reserves the right to increase Monthly fee at the rate of 10-15 % of the actual fee, once a year.
  7. Tuition Fee and Dues once deposited are not refundable in any case.
  8. No School Leaving Certificate will be granted till the entire school fee and dues are paid.
  9. The intended withdrawal of a student should be notified in writing by the Parents/Guardians giving one month’s notice, or in lieu of one month’s fee will be charged.
  10. Any student absent from the school for 10 consecutive days without a notice of excuse explaining his absence will be removed from the school rolls.
  11. The Principal’s decision will be final and binding on the student’s and parents in all academics and disciplinary case.


During school year students are expected to attend every class, unless excused due to illness or owing to some serious family circumstances. If students are absent for more than 10% of the school year, they may not be promoted. Excused absences are determined at the discretion of the Principal.
The Administration and teaching staff consider the student’s punctuality and regularity in school attendance to be a critical aspect of their education. We expect both parents and students to respect the following attendance regulations:

Attendance Regulations 

  1. The parents of students who miss an abnormal amount of the school time will notify the Administration to explain prolonged or repetitious absence of their child.
  2. The course work and tests missed may create an incomplete grade. A student is allowed the same amount of days missed to complete the work if the absence is excused.
  3. Students must be at school 10 minutes before the assembly time. Late comers may be sent back. It is compulsory for all students to attend morning assembly. Pupils must attend the school regularly. They are not allowed to leave early nor to be absent for more than three days, an absent note having parent’s signature should be sent to the Head Mistress/ Principal.
  4. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable behavior or acts, disorderly or any unseemly conduct will justify dismissal.
  5. Students should come to school neat and tidy in the proper School Uniform. In case of untidiness or not appearing in uniform, the students are liable to be sent back home.

Regulations and Code of Conduct


Any student violating the regulations shall be subject to:

  • Warning 
  • Fines
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

Students should:

  1. Arrive in time
  2. Be properly prepared for classes
  3. Carry school I.D Card at all times at campus
  4. Wear neat and tidy uniform
  5. Not wear any jewelry or makeup
  6. Not bring personal stereo system, tapes videos, mobile phones or any electrical equipment onto the school campus.
  7. Not bring large sum of money onto the school campus
  8. Report to the incharge/V. Principal in case they become ill on school campus.


Breach of those listed below will result in consideration for suspension. Repeated offenders will be expelled from the institute with no refund of fees towards tuitions fee or security deposit.

Students and Parents should please note:

a) Possession of cigarettes or drugs is strictly forbidden.
b) Possession of dangerous instruments or using any item to harm other is forbidden.
c) Students are expected to be polite and helpful to fellow students, the faculty members and other staff.
d) The use of obscene language is not allowed.
e) Fighting is unacceptable and inexcusable.
f) Bullying will not be tolerated
g) Vandalism to school property will result in an immediate fine plus restoration of the cost of repairs.
h) Theft will result in serious action being taken by the school authorities.
i) Parents should notify the school office if a student is to be absent.

Playground Rules

Children are not permitted to:

  1. Eat or drink while they’re in the playground. (Bottles should only be used near the cafeteria).
  2. Use excessive physical contact while playing.
  3. Throw sand or stones on each other.
  4. Use dangerous objects at play, such as knives, sticks, rocks or matchboxes.
  5. Play with hard balls.
  6. Run on the steps or porch.
  7. Stand on the swings, sea-saw or slides.
  8. Tease or play with stray animals
  9. Use abusive language, negative gestures or rude manners.
  10. Argue or fight.
  11. Play in the areas other than those designated for their grade.
Since 1981

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